We are always looking for kindred spirits who want to help us to deliver quality Software solutions. Perhaps Triple D could be your new home?
If you prefer
Great teamwork above being the hero
Well-designed software above delivering tickets
Making yourself replaceable above being indispensable
The solution above the tools with which the solution was built
Then you have to get in touch with us!
When you join us
You join
Always sharpening our skills
Doing architectural kata's
When working at Triple D:
Creating a workshop
Attending conferences together
How we work...
Learning day
Our practices
Since the only way to go fast, is to go well, we diligently apply these practices. Especially when the going gets though. Because how a job is done is as important as getting it done.
Extreme Programming
Domain Driven Design
Although good practices are what is important, our primary focus is in JVM languages (Kotlin, Java) and Object Oriented Programming. But we pride ourselves that the tech stack is less important than the applied practices. Be it Java, C#, Python, F#, AWs, Azure, ... the patterns and principles remain the same. The technology is just a tool to accomplish a goal.
We often invite kindred spirits to participate in our Learning days
A high bar?
We obviously set a high standard for ourselves. So the question you may ask: is the bar too high for me?
It is important to highlight that we are not looking for people that are "the best". We are looking for people who aim to become the best that they can be. People who want to do a great job and are continuously striving for improvement. That is why we learn and practice continuously.
Keep in mind that technical practices can be learned and improved upon. The most important characteristic that we look for in new employees is the right mindset. We're all smart people, but can we work well together? Will you grow? And help us grow?
Don't let the imposter syndrome hold you back. Challenge yourself and step up. We prefer highly motivated people with little experience above the mytical all-knowing genius. We're not looking for heroes. We are looking for Team members.
© 2025 Triple D