
Practical Domain Driven Design Workshop

In this 2-3 day workshop we will start applying a variety of domain driven design techniques in order to develop our software. Starting from a case study we will distill our user stories, design and implement our software in a DDD way. This is a full hands-on development workshop so bring you laptop with your favorite language, IDE.

DDD Conf


  • Big picture event-storming session to discover the problem domain
  • From big picture to user stories -> user story mapping
  • Process modelling using event storming.
  • Discovering the Ubiquitous languages and bounded contexts.
  • Identify aggregates and invariants from our timeline.
  • Aggregate design
  • Create a domain model
  • Applying BDD, TDD

Intended audience

This is an in depth hands-on workshop. Experience with Domain Driven Design and software development is a must.

Sounds great

So let’s talk! send us your inquiries and we will be in touch contact Triple D